Monday, October 13, 2008

Space Mountain

Did you ever ride Space Mountain at Disneyworld? It is an indoor roller coaster, completely in the DARK...that's right, dark. There are some neon type lights here and there and if you can keep your eyes open and your head relatively still, while you're whipping around at 60+ mph, you can see the tracks, but you certainly can't see where you're going. That's my life right now.

We had a great sermon about Amy Carmichael yesterday, to kick off a missions oriented weekend thing. I already know some about AC, but it was great to learn even more. I wish I could replay the entire thing for you, you might be able to download it at and see if they have an MP3 of sermons--I think they do. ANYWAY, it was about the contradictions in the Bible, last shall be first, to live you must die, etc. Anyway, I liked it a lot and heard words for me about not being in control and surrendering to Jesus.

So, this morning as we are squabbling about biology and trying to get ready to go, the phone rings and it's Dr. T's office (the breast surgeon). Denise, his ass't says that the 1st plastic surgeon's office has just called her. This is the wonder-plastic surgeon, recommended and loved by all, whose office never noticed that they weren't in my network. The dream surgeon that I had to let go of, and was preparing to write a complaint to...

Her office called Dr. T's office to say that she was so "mortified" about what had happened to me that she wants to do my reconstruction, for FREE. F-R-E-E, no dinero, zippo, zilch, because I was inconvenienced. I cannot believe it still, really. Anyway, that puts me back on target for surgery on 10/20, next Monday, after all.

I am reminding myself now how I really did like Space Mountain. Maybe it was because I couldn't see what was coming. Maybe that's just easier for me.

1 comment:

EEEEMommy said...

FREE?!?! Wow! And I thought Customer Service was dead!
Praise the Lord!
I've been off-line for a few days, so I just caught up with your story. I'm praying for you!
By the way, my sister & her husband go to the same church as you do. I live on the other side of town.