Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Five O'Clock Shadow

Well, the Star Trek commands have done their job! My hair has "engaged". You can tell from across the room, that the top of my head is a different, darker color than my face--yippee! In fact, on one side, the hair is actually lying down! It is thin, but it roars, to me anyway.

I still pick up hair rubber bands and put them in my pants pocket, thinking I'll need them later. And you know what? I will.

Just wondering how long until I'll ditch my snug little wiggie for good...

I hope everyone is on schedule for your mammogram. I hope you are making dietary and exercise changes in your daily life, including meditation time. I'm looking into a Christian rosary-type meditation. The book I recently recommended Anti-Cancer, A New Way of Life, spoke of some remarkable advantages of meditation, specifically studied in people who used the Latin Rosary. The memorized prayer, its timing and the serenity brought on by the routine recitation brought opportunities for the body to settle and align itself in a completely unique way. (Of course this makes sense to people of faith...)

Anyway, take this first-of-the-month opportunity to stretch in ways and try new things to put yourself on more solid footing in caring for yourself. Often, we moms put others first SO often, that we suffer. And as the old story goes, starving people must feed themselves first, for if they are lost, their children most certainly will be lost as well.

Take care of yourself, today. No one else is going to do it for you!

Here's to a hairy spring! ;)


Joyful said...

This may sound critical but as a Christian redeemed under grace, do you really think that the Lord listens to repetitious prayers?

Yes, we are instructed to pray without ceasing, but from the heart not by rote.

I would also hesitate praying through a rosary as those prayers are designed to be brought to the Lord through Mary. We have one inter mediator through Christ only.


Gail said...

I bought the book! Lots of great information in it. Thanks for the recommendation!

Netherfieldmom said...

I have deliberated over this before, and my thought, in this instance is not one of nagging God with repetitious prayers, but of cultivating peace in myself through the recitation--much like the pleasure of singing hymns that one has known forever. Why would a memorized prayer be less of a prayer? Another idea is that the recitation does not have to be a prayer, but recitation of scripture, a la the 23rd Psalm.

"Do I think that the Lord listens to repetitious prayers?" Absolutely. Do you not pray for the same people over and over, surely. I don't think God critiques our prayer, but knows our heart as we pray. Memorized table graces are worthwhile, are they not? (I hope so.) Rote, in and of itself, does not imply shallowness or ambivalence. How many stories are there of people sustained through great suffering by the memorized scripture or song?

When I said rosary, I would of course be using something not in a Roman Catholic manner--I totally agree on Christ as our only intermediary. I am only thinking of the memorization/recitation style of the rosary, not the substance of it. Thank you for your input. :)

Joyful said...

I stand corrected - I was too critical with no understanding of the purpose for the memorization and repeating of the prayers.

You are correct - it is a heart issue and only the Lord sees our hearts - I Samuel 16:76
