Friday, January 16, 2009

Benefits of having no hair

1. mustache has fallen out as well
2. of course, no shaving of legs or armpits!
3. getting ready takes NO time
4. shower is really fast
5. only one towel necessary for shower
6. "Hair" looks pretty good all the time

Disadvantages of having no hair

1. can't wear wig under hats to barn, so "hair" must be removed before going out
2. can't wear wig while doing intensive cooking/baking
3. stubbly head can be uncomfortable on pillow
4. seeing bald head in mirror is very irritating
5. wig feels somewhat hat-like, have to remember not to take it off when arriving somewhere!

1 comment:

Aibrean's Musings said...

Has it ALL fallen out? I was surprised as to the extent of my hairlessness at the end! lol!