Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hittin' the wig merchant tomorrow

Okay, I have barely combed my hair since Saturday night, and it shows. Every morning when I wake up, it is standing up straight on top. I gently press it down toward my head, pull my bangs over my forehead and go with it. Now it's greasy and today I didn't let it get under the warm water of the shower. I figured it would be gone in a jiffy and I wanted to retain some until I can get to the wig lady.

Walking through the StuffMart parking lot, we were joking that there was a brown trail flying out behind my head, but I think I didn't lose too much. By the afternoon I reverted to a baseball hat just to avoid seeing the greaz.

BTW, my dad has shaved his head. What a guy! Hopefully by tomorrow night, I'll have a new look, or at least something to ward off wind chill. Gotta hit the hay.


Gail said...

Good luck shopping for the dreaded wig! I know I felt so much better knowing I had a wig to rely on when the hair was gone.

Melissa said...

You are such a trooper! It's so great that God has provided such a wonderful support system for you. Continuing to pray!

Aibrean's Musings said...

I'm sure you'll find something adorable! Also, I forgot to tell you the other night... my "newsboy" caps are all at your disposal as well for another option. ;-)