Saturday, December 6, 2008

Going, going...

Here are some new pictures of the latest doo. AC is a terrific hairdresser. #3 took these pictures a couple of nights ago. I think they are the first pictures she's ever taken! She did pretty well.

The day after the painful hair day, I took a shower and the warm water felt good on my head and the hair didn't seem to hurt at all the rest of the day. Today I woke up with a sore spot on the upper back of my head, so I just left it alone all day.

Handyman and I were going to a Christmas party this evening so I stuck my head under the faucet to freshen up the doo after wearing winter hats for chores all day. When I pulled my hands away from my head they were covered with hair. I freaked a little and stopped messing with it immediately. I blowed it dry on low and barely touched it.

Here's a picture of us before we left for the party.

I imagine it'll be falling out in droves tomorrow and the next day. I'm going to try to get to the wig store Monday afternoon. I know #2 is worried that I'll freak out all of her friends for her birthday party on Friday night. Hopefully wigs come in cash-and-carry. I see myself in something like Julia Roberts wore at the beginning of Pretty Woman...

Then again, if I can come out looking anything like Julia in any of her movies, I'll be doing well I think. What I'm really looking for are some coneheads for Handyman and me to wear for a Christmas picture. If you know of any, send them ASAP.

Here are some more pictures of the "tribble" hat--popular with everyone. You can't wear it without smiling!

Your friend,

Beldar (yeah, that's the guy--but I can't pronounce the mom's name)


Unknown said...

Tracy - You look great with or without hair. Have faith and all will go well. Love ya!

Debbie said...

I hope you had a wonderful evening out! You look beautiful!!!

Controller said...

Hey, The first cone head just arrived. If I could figure out how to send you a Picture I would.