Thursday, May 20, 2010

Don't go getting soft on me...

At my quarterly check-up with the oncologist in January, I had asked about a bone-density test. I don't know what prompted that, I probably read something about post-chemo bone loss. Anyway, she scheduled me for one and thankfully, they called to remind me about the appt, because I didn't have it in my book. The test was quick and painless and I saw the oncologist again in April.

She said I have osteopenia in my hip and spine with a grade of -2.2 in each. The cut-off for osteoporosis is -2.5, so I guess I was getting close. She told me to take 1500 mg. of calcium a day and about 4 bushels of raisin bran to counteract the calcium, if you get my drift.

I told her that I was riding horses and could in no way be breaking any bones. I told her that my MIL had taken the IV bone builder Reclast a year ago, and her osteopenia was GONE--could I take that?

She was excited to know that I wanted to adress the issue more aggressively and told me that the drug Zometa, developed for bone cancer, has the same active ingredient as Reclast, but has shown the unexpected side effect of preventing recurrence of breast cancer. So, if I was going to do the IV thing, she would want me to do Zometa. And do it again in 6 months and then another bone scan.

So I did. A 30-minute IV drip in the infusion lab, which was pretty creepy really. I wanted to wear a big sign that said, "I'm just here for the bone builder." And then came the bill for $1200.

Yep, $1200. And I haven't met my deductible yet, so it's all on me. I did not have any of the side effects that I was warned of, not even sore joints, so PTL.

Lessons learned: Ask for bone density test, even if you have to pay for it. She wasn't even suggesting a stronger approach than calcium supplements until I brought it up.

BTW, she told me how disappointed she gets that many women, MANY women will not even do Tamoxifen because they don't want to have hot flashes! Sorry, cannot believe that. Hot flashes versus cancer...hmmm...

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